Feature branches are created and managed automatically.
Automatic commit on every editor save.
You can focus on writing code.
$ git pull Write Code
$ git checkout -b my_feature
$ git add .
$ git commit -am "description"
$ git push origin my_feature
$ gh pr create
Found a bug while implementing unrelated code? Click "Create new", fix the bug, and go back to where you were.
HighFlux replaces all of the files on your disk when switching between tasks.
$ git stash
$ git checkout other_branch
$ git stash pop
Your code automatically stays updated with your teams' latest work on 'main'.
Get notified early on conflicts.
$ git checkout feature/foo
$ git fetch --all
$ git rebase origin/main
Browse through others' work, and duplicate it locally with a single click.
Switch back with a single click.
$ git stash Review work
$ git checkout other_branch
$ git checkout my_feature
$ git stash pop
Get instant feedback on your work-in-progress over Slack or Discord.
HighFlux pushes your code while you work on it, so no PR is needed.
$ git add . Ask for help
$ git commit -am "wip: for review"
$ git push origin my_feature
$ gh pr create
Get notified when a teammate using HighFlux starts changing a file you've changed.
git push --force